
Student Health Insurance Plan Enrollment Request Form

(Processing Time 3 Business Days)

IMPORTANT: Please do not use your back button once you begin this form. We also recommend you “Allow Cookies” to successfully submit this form. If you are having issues submitting your form, please see these Troubleshooting Tips.

Please double-check your Student ID to ensure it is correct and ensure it begins with a zero (0), like this: 05555555

Please enter in this format: MM/DD/YYYY
Please enter your U.S. address below:

Privacy Policy: The privacy of your personal information is our top priority. Any information you submit on this website is for official University use only. Information will not be sold or rented to any company or organization. As such, the information that you submit will only be used for University purposes by the University itself or those designated as its agents. Visit www.academyart.edu to learn about total costs, median student loan debt, potential occupations and other information. Accredited member WSCUC, NASAD.

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