On-Campus English Support Request Form (Instructors)

INSTRUCTORS ONLY – Please fill out the below form to indicate the need for an English language support instructor in your class. Support is available to students who are currently enrolled in an English for Art Purposes (EAP) class (that is, an English as a Second Language class at Academy of Art University), or who are within 1-2 semesters removed from the program. Support assignments outside of this qualification will be determined on an individual basis. Please note that support is not guaranteed in these cases.

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Test Form with Arctic Air Theme

Accessibility Resources, Academy of Art University

Please fill in the following information to activate your accommodations for the semester. Your Accessibility Representative will contact you to review your needs, provide you with Accommodation Letters, and address any concerns you might have. All fields are required.

Please double-check your Student ID to ensure it is correct and ensure it begins with a zero (0), like this: 05555555

As a student eligible for accommodations at the Academy of Art University, please review the following rights and responsibilities.


Rights and Responsibilities of Students with Disabilities Regarding Access at the Academy of Art University


Students have the right to:

  1. Equal access and opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, courses, programs, services, and activities offered through the University, in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Academy of Art University is responsible for providing you with these accommodations, at no cost to you, the student.
  2. Request adjustments to your accommodations at any time. All requests will be reviewed and amended, as appropriate.
  3. Keep your disability confidential. Accessibility Resources will not share information regarding your disability with any faculty, staff member, parent, or others, unless you have completed a Release of Information form or there is an explicit need to know.


Students have a responsibility to:

  1. Communicate with each of your instructors, in any class where you’d like to utilize your accommodations. Accommodation letters must be given to instructors with reasonable advance notice before initiating accommodations. Accessibility Resources advises that you distribute your letters within the first week of the semester. Accommodations that require instructor participation become effective on the date the letter is delivered to your instructor. Accommodations are not retroactive and may require a reasonable amount of time to arrange.
  2. Read each course syllabus and outline and talk with instructors about the ways in which the course structure and essential requirements may impact, or be impacted by, the use of your accommodations.
  3. Report problems with your accommodations and/or building/classroom/information access, so that the problem may be corrected as soon as possible.
  4. Request, and provide to your instructors, a current accommodation letter for each semester that you wish to utilize your accommodations. All letters are dated with the current semester.
  5. Arrange alternative testing accommodations a minimum of one week prior to the date of an exam.

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