The Academy of Art University summer program was an amazing experience that inspired me to explore different things I have never explored before. I felt like I could be whoever I wanted to be and it helped me become less shy and more talkative. This program has also helped me distinguish between the careers that I feel really passionate about and the ones I don’t feel as passionate about.” Jose-Sainz 

Before attending this program, I was unsure if being a photographer was a feasible career path. This experience has confirmed that my dreams are possible. I was introduced to various mentors, youth artists, and creative/ academic resources. I would encourage students interested in pursuing art as a possible career path to consider attending this program because it is committed to helping students succeed.” —Pharoah

I learned how to use Photoshop, how to draw an automobile, and many more new skills. Although it takes a lot of concentration and dedication, this program is worth it all in the end. I am now sure that I want to spend my life doing this because of this experience.” Yair

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