Fine Arts - Painting Still Life

Daniel J. Burt
Director of Sculpture
School of Fine Arts

The most significant challenge I’ve faced in pursuing my artistic dream has been finding a balance between my academic responsibilities, family life, and studio practice. With limited hours in each day, I’ve been compelled to develop innovative time management strategies to ensure that I can dedicate myself fully to each aspect of my life. This drive has not only allowed me to cultivate a productive studio environment but also enabled me to collaborate effectively with students and faculty in developing a rigorous and enriching artistic curriculum. By clearly defining my priorities and objectively assessing my time, I’ve been able to maintain a fulfilling presence both at home with my growing family and in my professional pursuits.

Industry Credits:

  • Featured artist at the DeYoung Museum in 2007
  • Building work for both public and private collections here in the bay area.
  • Being represented by the luna Reinne Gallery,
  • Nurturing a life as an fine artist, educator, and father in the Bay Area.
  • I have been at  Academy of Art University for over 15 years.,  
  • Cultivating and supporting a fine arts sculpture department with a diverse cultural and social population.
  • Creating connections with our student body and faculty that makes our sculpture department resource for creative expression and skill building.
  • Introduced new technologies to our sculpture curriculum while pushing students to build a solid foundational approach to art making. 


dburt2 (IG)

Featured artist in Sculpture Review 2019

Daniel Burt profile headshot
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It is not easy by any means, but I love this experience and believe that sharing and cultivating creativity is essential in today’s quickly changing world.
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