Art Education Teaching Degree Requirements from Peoplesoft (8/21/24)

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  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Minimum grade of C in all required 18 units


  • Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of B- or higher: ARE 205, ARE 310, ARE 460 & ARE 515
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA in an earned Academy of Art Bachelor’s Degree in Art Education
  • Pass the CBEST Examination
  • Pass the CSET/Art Examination
  • TB Health Certificate
  • DOJ & FBI Clearances
  • CPR & First Aid Workshop Certificate
  • Resume
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

*See Admissions Requirements for details of general graduate school entry requirements.

Entry Requirements

Applicants to the Master of Art in Teaching Program must submit the following:

1. APPLICATION: Complete the online application clearly indicating chosen discipline.

2. OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT(S): Transcripts must be official, issued by the attended institution and show completion of a regionally accredited undergraduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Academy of Art University accepts electronic submission of official and unofficial transcripts. Students sending an official or unofficial electronic transcript should have it directed to the following email address:

3. STATEMENT OF INTENT: See essay guidelines below (500 word limit).

4. BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Official results of passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).
Option 2: Complete full-credit, college-level coursework with a letter grade of B or higher in the subject areas of reading (including courses in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis), writing (including courses in composition, English, rhetoric, written communications, or writing), and mathematics (including courses in geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics).
Option 3: Achieve a Qualifying Score on the SAT or ACT.

  • SAT – If taken after 2016, qualifying scores are 570 in Math and 560 in Evidence-based reading and writing
  • ACT – Qualifying scores are a 23 in Math and 22 in English

Option 4: Students who achieve a score of 3 or higher on the College Board AP English exam and AP Calculus or AP Statistics exam may also use these exam scores to meet the basic skills requirement.
Option 5: Pass the CSU Early Assessment Program or the CSU Placement Examinations. These tests are taken during high school to determine college readiness.
Option 6: Combination of Coursework and Exams

5. SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCE: Can be met by one the following options:

Option 1: Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
Option 2: Official results of passing the California Subject Matter Examination Test (CSET) in Art.
You must pass both parts of the CSET in Art: Subtest 1 and Subtest 2. Subtest 2 requires submission of a portfolio of your artwork that represents your technical and creative competence:

  • Concentration, submit three artworks that represent your highest-quality work in a single medium that is your area of concentration
  • Breadth, submit three artworks that illustrate your artistic breadth
  • For more information please go to: 

Option 3: Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation.
Option 4: Completion of a bachelor’s degree in Art from a regionally accredited university.
Option 5: Through a combination of the methods described in clauses (1), (2), and (3) in whole or in part, has met or exceeded each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282 for multiple and single subject credentials, or pursuant to Section 44265 for education specialist credentials.

6. CONSTITUTION REQUIREMENT: This requirement can be met either by passing a college or university examination or by successfully completing coursework. The course should be one in American Government or in U.S. History, which covers the period prior to 1865. The student must have received a passing grade (a D- or better). (All Art Academy BFA students meet this requirement with their LA 270 US History class.)

If you did not take a course in your undergraduate education you can either take an accredited online Constitution exam, or a 1 unit online course. Below are some resources: 

7. CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE: Directions for application on CTC website: 

8. RESUME: Describe your educational background, work experience, and skill set.
9. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation are required. Kindly request for your recommenders to speak on your experience with working in some capacity in an educational environment. Please email their letters directly to your admissions representative.

Students must also submit the following prior to Midpoint, if not met upon entry:

  1. TB HEALTH CERTIFICATE CLEARANCE: Official results of the TB Health Certificate clearance.
  2. CPR and FIRST AID WORKSHOP: Official documentation of the successful completion of an approved CPR and First Aid workshop/class. Please ensure the workshop or class is approved the California Emergency Medical and Safety Authority (EMSA). The EMSA workshop may be completed during your first semester within the program.

(Please note that your submission is incomplete until an application to the graduate school is on file.)

  • Go to 
  • Upload your attachments in common file types (Example: .docx, .jpeg, .pdf, etc.). Please limit your portfolio to less than 50MB.
  • You will be prompted to provide descriptions for your submission pieces. If your portfolio contains collaborative projects, describe your role in detail.
  • Website URLs will also be accepted but may not be the only submission.

Submit a typed essay (1-3 pages double spaced). Choose two of the following listed
Success Indicators and explain why you would be a good candidate for a Credential Program. Be specific about any experience you have had or any aspect of your personality that you have developed that would fulfill these expectations.

Expectation of Academy of Art Teacher Candidates created by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Candidates are expected to demonstrate the following professional dispositions:

1. Reflective Indicators:

  • Practices critical thinking
  • Examines personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Is responsive to criticism 

2. Responsibility Indicators

  • Constructively responds to obligations
  • Engages actively in educational experiences

3. Commitment to Professionalism Indicators

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the legal obligations of teaching
  • Demonstrates ongoing commitment to professional development

4. Commitment to Fair mindedness and Equity Indicators

  • Treats others with equal respect, coy and dignity
  • Is committed to the belief that all students can learn.

In addition, applicants to the Art Teaching Credential Track I must also demonstrate:

  • Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of B- or higher:
    ARE 205 Educational Psychology
    ARE 225 History of Art Education
    ARE 310 Curriculum Development for the Art Classroom
    ARE 460 Senior Seminar in Art Education
    ARE 515 Integrating Technology into Art Education Settings



  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Minimum grade of C in all required 30 units


  • Minimum 2.5 GPA in an earned Bachelor’s Degree (or higher)
  • Pass the CBEST Examination
  • Pass the CSET/Art Examination
  • TB Health Certificate
  • DOJ & FBI Clearances
  • CPR & First Aid Workshop Certificate
  • Resume
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

*See Admissions Requirements for details of general graduate school entry requirements.

Entry Requirements
Applicants to the Master of Art in Teaching Program must submit the following:

1. APPLICATION: Complete the online application clearly indicating chosen discipline.

2. OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT(S): Transcripts must be official, issued by the attended institution and show completion of a regionally accredited undergraduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Academy of Art University accepts electronic submission of official and unofficial transcripts. Students sending an official or unofficial electronic transcript should have it directed to the following email address: .  

3. STATEMENT OF INTENT: See essay guidelines below (500 word limit).

4. BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Official results of passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).
Option 2: Complete full-credit, college-level coursework with a letter grade of B or higher in the subject areas of reading (including courses in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis), writing (including courses in composition, English, rhetoric, written communications, or writing), and mathematics (including courses in geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics).
Option 3: Achieve a Qualifying Score on the SAT or ACT.

  • SAT – If taken after 2016, qualifying scores are 570 in Math and 560 in Evidence-based reading and writing
  • ACT – Qualifying scores are a 23 in Math and 22 in English

Option 4: Students who achieve a score of 3 or higher on the College Board AP English exam and AP Calculus or AP Statistics exam may also use these exam scores to meet the basic skills requirement.
Option 5: Pass the CSU Early Assessment Program or the CSU Placement Examinations. These tests are taken during high school to determine college readiness.
Option 6: Combination of Coursework and Exams

5. SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCE: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
Option 2: Official results of passing the California Subject Matter Examination Test (CSET) in Art.
You must pass both parts of the CSET in Art: Subtest 1 and Subtest 2. Subtest 2 requires submission of a portfolio of your artwork that represents your technical and creative competence:

  • Concentration, submit three artworks that represent your highest-quality work in a single medium that is your area of concentration
  • Breadth, submit three artworks that illustrate your artistic breadth
  • For more information please go to:

Option 3: Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation.
Option 4: Completion of a bachelor’s degree in Art from a regionally accredited university.
Option 5: Through a combination of the methods described in clauses (1), (2), and (3) in whole or in part, has met or exceeded each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282 for multiple and single subject credentials, or pursuant to Section 44265 for education specialist credentials.

6. CONSTITUTION REQUIREMENT: This requirement can be met either by passing a college or university examination or by successfully completing coursework. The course should be one in American Government or in U.S. History, which covers the period prior to 1865. The student must have received a passing grade (a D- or better). (All Art Academy BFA students meet this requirement with their LA 270 US History class.)

If you did not take a course in your undergraduate education you can either take an accredited online Constitution exam, or a 1 unit online course. Below are some resources: 

7. CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE: Directions for application on CTC website: 

8. RESUME: Describe your educational background, work experience, and skill set.

9. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation are required. Kindly request for your recommenders to speak on your experience with working in some capacity in an educational environment. Please email their letters directly to your admissions representative.

Students must also submit the following prior to Midpoint, if not met upon entry:

  1. TB HEALTH CERTIFICATE CLEARANCE: Official results of the TB Health Certificate clearance.
  2. CPR and FIRST AID WORKSHOP: Official documentation of the successful completion of an approved CPR and First Aid workshop/class. Please ensure the workshop or class is approved the California Emergency Medical and Safety Authority (EMSA). The EMSA workshop may be completed during your first semester within the program.

(Please note that your submission is incomplete until an application to the graduate school is on file.)

  • Go to 
  • Upload your attachments in common file types (Example: .docx, .jpeg, .pdf, etc.). Please limit your portfolio to less than 50MB.
  • You will be prompted to provide descriptions for your submission pieces. If your portfolio contains collaborative projects, describe your role in detail.
  • Website URLs will also be accepted but may not be the only submission.

Submit a typed essay (1-3 pages double spaced). Choose two of the following listed
Success Indicators and explain why you would be a good candidate for a Credential Program. Be specific about any experience you have had or any aspect of your personality that you have developed that would fulfill these expectations.

Expectation of Academy of Art Teacher Candidates created by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Candidates are expected to demonstrate the following professional dispositions:

1. Reflective Indicators:

  • Practices critical thinking
  • Examines personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Is responsive to criticism 

2. Responsibility Indicators

  • Constructively responds to obligations
  • Engages actively in educational experiences

3. Commitment to Professionalism Indicators

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the legal obligations of teaching
  • Demonstrates ongoing commitment to professional development

4. Commitment to Fair mindedness and Equity Indicators

  • Treats others with equal respect, courtesy and dignity
  • Is committed to the belief that all students can learn.




  • Successful completion of Final Capstone Project
  • Minimum grade of C in all required 27 units
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and the following Academic Study Requirement:
    1 Cultural Influence course


  • Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of B or higher:
    ARE 305 Educational Psychology
    ARE 310 Curriculum Development for the Art Classroom
    ARE 460 Senior Seminar in Art Education
    ARE 515 Integrating Technology into Art Education Settings
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA in an earned Bachelor’s Degree (or higher)
  • Pass the CBEST Examination
  • Pass the CSET/Art Examination
  • TB Health Certificate
  • CTC Clearance
  • CPR & First Aid Workshop Certificate Resume
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

*See Admissions Requirements for details of general graduate school entry requirements.

Additional Information

Entry Requirements
Applicants to the Master of Art in Teaching Program must submit the following:

1. APPLICATION: Complete the online application clearly indicating chosen discipline.

2. OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT(S): Transcripts must be official, issued by the attended institution and show completion of a regionally accredited undergraduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Academy of Art University accepts electronic submission of official and unofficial transcripts. Students sending an official or unofficial electronic transcript should have it directed to the following email address:

3. STATEMENT OF INTENT: See essay guidelines below (500 word limit).

4. BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Official results of passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).
Option 2: Complete full-credit, college-level coursework with a letter grade of B or higher in the subject areas of reading (including courses in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis), writing (including courses in composition, English, rhetoric, written communications, or writing), and mathematics (including courses in geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics).
Option 3: Achieve a Qualifying Score on the SAT or ACT.

  • SAT – If taken after 2016, qualifying scores are 570 in Math and 560 in Evidence-based reading and writing
  • ACT – Qualifying scores are a 23 in Math and 22 in English

Option 4: Students who achieve a score of 3 or higher on the College Board AP English exam and AP Calculus or AP Statistics exam may also use these exam scores to meet the basic skills requirement.
Option 5: Pass the CSU Early Assessment Program or the CSU Placement Examinations. These tests are taken during high school to determine college readiness.
Option 6: Combination of Coursework and Exams

5. SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCE: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
Option 2: Official results of passing the California Subject Matter Examination Test (CSET) in Art.
You must pass both parts of the CSET in Art: Subtest 1 and Subtest 2. Subtest 2 requires submission of a portfolio of your artwork that represents your technical and creative competence:

  • Concentration, submit three artworks that represent your highest-quality work in a single medium that is your area of concentration
  • Breadth, submit three artworks that illustrate your artistic breadth
  • For more information please go to:

Option 3: Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation.
Option 4: Completion of a bachelor’s degree in Art from a regionally accredited university.
Option 5: Through a combination of the methods described in clauses (1), (2), and (3) in whole or in part, has met or exceeded each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282 for multiple and single subject credentials, or pursuant to Section 44265 for education specialist credentials.

6. CONSTITUTION REQUIREMENT: This requirement can be met either by passing a college or university examination or by successfully completing coursework. The course should be one in American Government or in U.S. History, which covers the period prior to 1865. The student must have received a passing grade (a D- or better). (All Art Academy BFA students meet this requirement with their LA 270 US History class.)

If you did not take a course in your undergraduate education you can either take an accredited online Constitution exam, or a 1 unit online course. Below are some resources:

7. CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE: Directions for application on CTC website:

8. RESUME: Describe your educational background, work experience, and skill set.

9. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation are required. Kindly request for your recommenders to speak on your experience with working in some capacity in an educational environment. Please email their letters directly to your admissions representative.

Students must also submit the following prior to Midpoint, if not met upon entry:

  1. TB HEALTH CERTIFICATE CLEARANCE: Official results of the TB Health Certificate clearance.
  2. CPR and FIRST AID WORKSHOP: Official documentation of the successful completion of an approved CPR and First Aid workshop/class. Please ensure the workshop or class is approved the California Emergency Medical and Safety Authority (EMSA). The EMSA workshop may be completed during your first semester within the program.

(Please note that your submission is incomplete until an application to the graduate school is on file.)

  • Go to 
  • Upload your attachments in common file types (Example: .docx, .jpeg, .pdf, etc.). Please limit your portfolio to less than 50MB.
  • You will be prompted to provide descriptions for your submission pieces. If your portfolio contains collaborative projects, describe your role in detail.
  • Website URLs will also be accepted but may not be the only submission.

Submit a typed essay (1-3 pages double spaced). Choose two of the following listed
Success Indicators and explain why you would be a good candidate for a Credential Program. Be specific about any experience you have had or any aspect of your personality that you have developed that would fulfill these expectations.

Expectation of Academy of Art Teacher Candidates created by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Candidates are expected to demonstrate the following professional dispositions:

1. Reflective Indicators:

  • Practices critical thinking
  • Examines personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Is responsive to criticism 

2. Responsibility Indicators

  • Constructively responds to obligations
  • Engages actively in educational experiences

3. Commitment to Professionalism Indicators

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the legal obligations of teaching
  • Demonstrates ongoing commitment to professional development

4. Commitment to Fair mindedness and Equity Indicators

  • Treats others with equal respect, courtesy and dignity
  • Is committed to the belief that all students can learn.

In addition, applicants to the MAT Art Education Track I must also demonstrate:

  • Successful completion of the following courses with a grade of B- or higher:
    ARE 205 Educational Psychology
    ARE 225 History of Art Education
    ARE 310 Curriculum Development for the Art Classroom
    ARE 460 Senior Seminar in Art Education
    ARE 515 Integrating Technology into Art Education Settings



  • Successful completion of Final Capstone Project
  • Minimum grade of C in all required 39 units
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and the following Academic Study requirement:
    1 Cultural Influence course


  • Minimum 2.5 GPA in an earned Bachelor’s Degree (or higher)
  • Pass the CBEST Examination
  • Pass the CSET/Art Examination
  • TB Health Certificate
  • CTC Clearance
  • CPR & First Aid Workshop Certificate
  • Resume
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

*See Admissions Requirements for details of general graduate school entry requirements.

Additional Information

Entry Requirements
Applicants to the Master of Art in Teaching Program must submit the following:

1. APPLICATION: Complete the online application clearly indicating chosen discipline.

2. OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT(S): Transcripts must be official, issued by the attended institution and show completion of a regionally accredited undergraduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Academy of Art University accepts electronic submission of official and unofficial transcripts. Students sending an official or unofficial electronic transcript should have it directed to the following email address: .

3. STATEMENT OF INTENT: See essay guidelines below (500 word limit).

4. BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Official results of passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).
Option 2: Complete full-credit, college-level coursework with a letter grade of B or higher in the subject areas of reading (including courses in critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis), writing (including courses in composition, English, rhetoric, written communications, or writing), and mathematics (including courses in geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics).
Option 3: Achieve a Qualifying Score on the SAT or ACT.

  • SAT – If taken after 2016, qualifying scores are 570 in Math and 560 in Evidence-based reading and writing
  • ACT – Qualifying scores are a 23 in Math and 22 in English

Option 4: Students who achieve a score of 3 or higher on the College Board AP English exam and AP Calculus or AP Statistics exam may also use these exam scores to meet the basic skills requirement.
Option 5: Pass the CSU Early Assessment Program or the CSU Placement Examinations. These tests are taken during high school to determine college readiness.
Option 6: Combination of Coursework and Exams

5. SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCE: Can be met by one the following options:
Option 1: Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
Option 2: Official results of passing the California Subject Matter Examination Test (CSET) in Art.
You must pass both parts of the CSET in Art: Subtest 1 and Subtest 2. Subtest 2 requires submission of a portfolio of your artwork that represents your technical and creative competence:

  • Concentration, submit three artworks that represent your highest-quality work in a single medium that is your area of concentration
  • Breadth, submit three artworks that illustrate your artistic breadth
  • For more information please go to: 

Option 3: Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation.
Option 4: Completion of a bachelor’s degree in Art from a regionally accredited university.
Option 5: Through a combination of the methods described in clauses (1), (2), and (3) in whole or in part, has met or exceeded each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282 for multiple and single subject credentials, or pursuant to Section 44265 for education specialist credentials.

6. CONSTITUTION REQUIREMENT: This requirement can be met either by passing a college or university examination or by successfully completing coursework. The course should be one in American Government or in U.S. History, which covers the period prior to 1865. The student must have received a passing grade (a D- or better). (All Art Academy BFA students meet this requirement with their LA 270 US History class.)

If you did not take a course in your undergraduate education you can either take an accredited online Constitution exam, or a 1 unit online course. Below are some resources: 

7. CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE: Directions for application on CTC website: 

8. RESUME: Describe your educational background, work experience, and skill set.

9. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation are required. Kindly request for your recommenders to speak on your experience with working in some capacity in an educational environment. Please email their letters directly to your admissions representative.

Students must also submit the following prior to Midpoint, if not met upon entry:

  1. TB HEALTH CERTIFICATE CLEARANCE: Official results of the TB Health Certificate clearance.
  2. CPR and FIRST AID WORKSHOP: Official documentation of the successful completion of an approved CPR and First Aid workshop/class. Please ensure the workshop or class is approved the California Emergency Medical and Safety Authority (EMSA). The EMSA workshop may be completed during your first semester within the program.

(Please note that your submission is incomplete until an application to the graduate school is on file.)

  • Go to 
  • Upload your attachments in common file types (Example: .docx, .jpeg, .pdf, etc.). Please limit your portfolio to less than 50MB.
  • You will be prompted to provide descriptions for your submission pieces. If your portfolio contains collaborative projects, describe your role in detail.
  • Website URLs will also be accepted but may not be the only submission. 

Submit a typed essay (1-3 pages double spaced). Choose two of the following listed
Success Indicators and explain why you would be a good candidate for a Credential Program. Be specific about any experience you have had or any aspect of your personality that you have developed that would fulfill these expectations.

Expectation of Academy of Art Teacher Candidates created by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Candidates are expected to demonstrate the following professional dispositions:

1. Reflective Indicators:

  • Practices critical thinking
  • Examines personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Is responsive to criticism 

2. Responsibility Indicators

  • Constructively responds to obligations
  • Engages actively in educational experiences

3. Commitment to Professionalism Indicators

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the legal obligations of teaching
  • Demonstrates ongoing commitment to professional development

4. Commitment to Fair mindedness and Equity Indicators

  • Treats others with equal respect, courtesy and dignity
  • Is committed to the belief that all students can learn.
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