In order to ensure an inspiring, respectful environment conducive to growth and creative expression for all students studying at Academy of Art University, it is imperative that all students, parents, and guardians comply with the below policies and procedures at all times. By electronically signing below, you acknowledge that you have read these policies and procedures and agree to act in accordance with them as a participant in Academy of Art University's Pre-College Art & Design Experience.
Students may change their class choice(s) up to a week before the start of the program.
Student Likenesses an/or Images:
- By signing this Agreement, you and student grant permission to the Academy to use any and all student work prepared or completed for class assignments for promotional purposes including but not limited to: catalogs, brochures, advertisements, video promotions, and exhibitions. The Academy also reserves the right to use likenesses, voice recording and/or images of students for these same promotional purposes.
- Various Onsite classes may require you to purchase art supplies prior to the start of classes.
- Virtual (Zoom) and Online classes may have required art supplies that the student is responsible for purchasing prior to the start of classes. All Virtual Zoom) and Online classes require a computer. A Webcam is needed for Virtual (Zoom) classes.
- Attendance is required in all class sessions. Failure to attend a class will result in a drop from the program without a legitimate excuse for the absence. If you are unable to attend due to a legitimate excuse please contact right away.
- Your project will receive a letter grade at the end of the program.
- Students may access grades via their Self-Service student portal after successful completion of the program.
- Certificate of Completion will be sent via e-mail at the end of term.
Safety: Students are expected to avoid endangering or causing to be endangered (directly or indirectly) the safety of any person, including self.
- Examples: suicide gestures; bomb threats; the activation of false alarms; tampering with emergency equipment such as alarm systems, security systems, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, emergency exit doors, or elevators.
- Students found responsible for tampering with the elevators will be charged the $185 per hour charge required to get them operating again.
- The SF Fire Department fines students up to $500 for tampering with fire alarms resulting in a false alarm.
- Windows are not to be used as entrances or exits for people or other objects.
- Tampering with windows and sitting on windowsills is prohibited.
- As a safety precaution, use handles for opening and closing windows.
- Do not try to force a window open by pushing on a windowpane.
- Students are not allowed on the roof of the building, on the balconies, on the fire escape or on the fire escape ladders except in cases of an emergency.
Harassment: Abusive behavior and acts of aggression directed toward any member of the campus community is a violation of Title V of the California Administrative Code, Section 41301 and is prohibited. The University will not tolerate assault in any form including, but not limited to physical, verbal, or sexual, including acquaintance rape.